I had hoped it would be possible to make updates here even though i'm currently traveling in Kenya, but it has proved harder than I thought. Updates will have to wait till the 16'th of mars.
Etiketter: meta
I had hoped it would be possible to make updates here even though i'm currently traveling in Kenya, but it has proved harder than I thought. Updates will have to wait till the 16'th of mars.
Etiketter: meta
“Several of the wards inside the medium-security facility held around 100 or more inmates, with just one deputy supervising,” says Commander Mitch Lincoln, project representative for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department. “It was an unsafe situation for everybody.”[Via Architectures of Control]
To improve the situation, the sheriff’s department faced a threefold challenge: The department needed a new facility that would afford the maximum visibility to correctional officers; the jail needed a minimum-security environment that would be conducive to a work-release program; and the facility needed to be designed quickly, while allowing the sheriff’s department to stay within budget.
We agreed that a round tower provided optimum visibility, so we elected to go ahead with that design,” Lincoln says. “There are really no corners in a round facility, so you can see almost every aspect of the jail from a central location
Architects hit a snag when they realized too much visibility could create problems.
“We’ve got lots of windows looking in, but the drawback is that inmates can look from one unit to another through the windows at the central core area of the ward,” Gulliksen says. “That’s a big deal. You don’t want inmates to see other inmates across the hall with gang affiliations and things like that.”
To minimize unwanted visibility, the design team applied a reflective film to all the windows facing the wards. Deputies can see out, but inmates cannot see in. Much like the 18th-century Panopticon, the El Paso County jail design keeps inmates from seeing who is watching them.
Etiketter: arkitektur, utomlands, övervakning
“At occupancies of about 7 persons per square meter the crowd becomes almost a fluid mass. Shock waves can be propagated through the mass, sufficient to...propel them distances of 3 meters or more....People may be literally lifted out of their shoes, and have clothing torn off. Intense crowd pressures, exacerbated by anxiety, make it difficult to breathe, which may finally cause compressive asphyxia. The heat and the thermal insulation of surrounding bodies cause some to be weakened and faint. Access to those who fall is impossible. Removal of those in distress can only be accomplished by lifting them up and passing them overhead to the exterior of the crowd.”
"The Saudi government implemented some crowd control recommendations from Dirk Helbing and Anders Johansson at the Dresden University Institute of Technology. Helbing and Anders looked at surveillance imagery from the 2006 trampling incident as if every person was a particle in fluid-dynamical flow. The stampedes, they reasoned, happen when laminar flow—smooth—transitions to stop-and-go and turbulent. [...] Helbing's group found that if the number of people passing a given spot in a given amount of time falls too low, the transition to turbulence was about a half hour away. They suggested to the Saudis—who followed up—that they change the shape of the Jamarat Bridge and its approaches, institute automated counting to head off the turbulence transition, and make a few alterations in the schedule of the Hajj."Design när den är som mest intelligent.
Etiketter: arkitektur, utomlands
Etiketter: arkitektur, utomlands
Etiketter: arkitektur, miljö, utomlands
Etiketter: arkitektur, tävlingar, utomlands
"I början är ju Stadsbiblioteket typiskt för en byggnad som får människan att känna sig liten. Först ska du upp för en trappa, som är bred och märkvärdig. Sen ska du in genom en stor port. Då kommer du till ett förrum som är nästan alldeles svart och mörkt. Därifrån leder en lång trappa upp mot en ljus öppning. Slutligen kommer du upp mitt i en enorm cylinder fylld av böcker runt väggarna. Så du har närmat dig det här som en maktbyggnad, men väl uppe är det ändå du som är i centrum. Det är ett hissnande scenbyte – du går upp som en slav och möter dig själv som en furste."Bo Ahlsén om Gunnar Asplunds stadsbibliotek i Stockholm, intervjuad i ABF:s tidning Fönstret 2003.
Etiketter: arkitektur, citat, sverige